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     Glory is the supposed-to-be-Skywing Rainwing in the prophecy. She is not lazy or carless like other Rainwings. She has always been told that she does not belong in the prophecy and that she is worthless.

     When Glory went to the Rainforest in book 3, she found her brother Jambu. She is also related to Graunduer, who is in the Royal Family. Later in that book she becomes Glory Queen of Rainwings. And in the fourth book, she becomes Glory Queen of Rainwings and Nightwings.

     Rainwings powers are very different from other tribes. They can change the color of the scales to any color they want, usally camoflauge or to show how they are feeling. Rainwings also have the power to shoot a very dealy vemon from there fangs.

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